
New Phone Number

August 24, 2023

The phone number for the NEAA has been changed. It is now 774 508 9932. Please do not use the other phone numbers on this page. They will be updated in the near future. To reach the NEAA for general information or to schedule a peer visit call our new number 774 508 9932.

Generous Donations Recieved

January 19, 2023

The New England Amputation would like to thank the following companies and groups made to our organization in the month of December. The Workers Kindness Program at Workers Credit Union, True Storage and The NCW Charitable Foundation. Between these three organizations we were able to raise over $4700.00. This infusion of money will allow us […]

Christmas Party 12/4/2022

January 10, 2023

On December 4, 2022 the New England Amputee Association held its annual Christmas Party at the Manor Restaurant in West Boylston Ma. Dinner was excellent as usual and we had a Yankee swap gift exchange as well. Despite the small number of attendees the party was fun and everyone had a good time. The New […]

New Officers Elected

April 19, 2022

Effective January 1, 2022 the Following newly elected officers begin their terms of office Glenn Meurer – President Richard Carraher – Vice President Bill Tolos – Treasurer Dean Carlson – Secretary We also have two new Board Members Brandon Theroux and Roger Brouillard. Welcome all to the board and to your new positions

Peer Visitor Training

March 25, 2017

On March 25, 2017 the New England Amputee Association held a Peer Visitor training at Clinton Hospital in Clinton, Ma. Rose Bissonette led the training and 8 new Peer Visitors were trained including the first three Caregivers Peer Visitors in New England. Also in attendance was Jack Richmond the new president of the Amputee Coalition.